13 March 2010

Gambang Bread

Ingredients :
250 g Java red sugar, grated (you can substitute with palm granulated sugar, but the texture would be a little bit drier)
175 ml water
375 g all purpose flour
125 dry fine bread crumbs
25 g milk powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp vanilla powder/vanilla extract
2 egg yolks
50 to 100 g margarine, to your taste. The more the margarine, the softer the bread. Many people like it chewy. (Original recipe: 200 g)
3 Tbsp water, for brushing
3 Tbsp sesame seeds

Instructions :
1. Boil Java red sugar with water until dissolved and hardboiled. Set aside and let cool.
2. Mix flour, breadcrumbs, milk powder, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla and egg yolks. Blend well. Pour in sugar syrup, knead until well blended.
3. Blend in margarine, knead until well blended.
4. For the dough into ball shaped, cover with pastic sheet. Set aside for about 30 minutes at room temperature until the dough becomes dry and easy to roll.
5. Uncover, form the dough into round oval shape, each weighed 75 g. Arrange them on greased cookie sheet, give space among them as they will rise. Brush the surface with water, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 150 Celsius degree for 30 minutes until done.

Yields 12-15 oval bread


ZA said...


Qastalani® said...

ala kena buat sendiri ke? xda org jual?

Radin Fadli said...

ko jual la buat bisnes hehe
